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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

33 Lead Generation Techniques for Businesses

LOGO33 Lead GenerationTechniquesevery Business shouldstart using todayInsights fromBusiness Consultant & Marketing StrategistNicole Elmore© Content copyright 2013. Nicole Elmore, LLC. All rights reserved.
Promotional MarketingContentsInternet MarketingGeneric Lead GenerationAttractionMarketingDirect MarketingBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Sustainable BusinessA business without leads and clients might as wellnot exist. Product and service sales are the essenceof your business (at least if you are a for-profitbusiness) yet many businesses find it hard to thinkof ways to generate leads.Here are 33 lead generation techniques that youcan easily implement into your Marketing Strategyand start using today.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
1. Create a web form and place it onyour blog or website that will ask forvisitor’s e-Mail addresses and follow upwith an auto-responderLead Growth Potential2012 2013 2014 2015305070120Internet Marketing2. Target your niche with pay-per-clickadvertising3. Get a business listing on Google,Bing and YahooBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Internet Marketing4.5.6.Create your own affiliate program and have others promote yourproducts or services and generate leads for youHost a Facebook contest and ask for contact information for thosewho participateCreate a referral programBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Internet Marketing7. Post freeclassifiedsinforming peopleof your productsand servicesContent Marketing9. Get involvedin articlemarketing8. Have acompany blogthat youupdatefrequently withnew and usefulcontentBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Generic Lead GenerationSimply provide greatvalue through yourproducts andservices as well asexcellent customersupport and gainleads through word-of-mouth referralsGet listed indirectories related toyour industry andtarget market andget found whenpeople are searchingfor certain productsor servicesGet found online –Optimize your SEO(Search EngineOptimization)10.13. 14.Hire someone: Create a job searchlisting and receive hundreds ofleads in form of responses to yourjob listingPublish a press releaseannouncing the launch of yourbusiness or a new product line ora new service11.12.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
15. Be passionate and proud of yourbusiness and speak to people you meetthroughout the day without “advertising”your business. Through your enthusiasm,listeners can become interested leads16. Have social network accounts for yourbusiness and engage your followers withquestions and little quizzes[Image Source] www.wizdata.co.krGeneric Lead GenerationBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/ free consultation sessions in return for people’scontact informationAnswer questions in forums and be helpful to otherswhile including a link to your website (or your phonenumber) in your signature below each responseProvide insightful feedback to articles via commentson blog and include a link to your website in yoursignature at the end of each commentTeach a free course related to yourproduct or service that users will findusefulAttraction MarketingBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Attraction MarketingOffer free product reviewswith a link for people toprovide their e-Mail addressto receive new reviews andupdates via e-mailParticipate in contests relatedto your product or service,such as logo designcompetitions, and win21. 22.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Direct Marketing23.Host an event orgrand opening andspeak to interestedpotential clientsdirectly24. Call your warmmarket and askthem if they areinterested in yourproduct or serviceand if so, addthem to yourleads25. Create apostcardmarketingcampaign andask forinterestedpeople to sendthe postcardback with theircontactinformation26. Participatein a tradeshowand ask forinterestedpeople to leavetheir businesscards in a boxfor a follow-upcall or e-MailBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Promotional Marketing27.28.29. Ask existing clients for referralsand offer them a discount for eachreferral on their next orderAttach a car magnet with yourwebsite info and business phonenumber along with a call to actionfor people to contact you todaySponsor an event or the funding ofa stadium for example and bepromoted by the sponsoredcompanyBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Promotional Marketing30. 31.33. 32.Ask for endorsementof satisfied clients whoown their ownbusinessesCross-promoteand partner upwith other businessesto promote yourbusiness and generateleads for youBuy banner space andinclude your website infoand business phonenumber along with a call toaction for people to contactyou todayGive away freepromotional pens, key chains,cups, and other products thathave your contact informationprinted on themBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
What’s Next?Step 1Step 2Step 3• Try various lead generationtechniques on a small basis• Track your results• Select the top 5 bestconverting techniques andimplement them on a largerscaleBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Like this Presentation?Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/DO YOU KNOW SOME MORELEAD GENERATION TECHNIQUES?SHARE THEM IN THE COMMENTSBELOWShare It
Need help with your Marketing?Contact me for a free consultationhttp://nicoleelmore.com/contact @nicielmorefacebook.com/elmorenici Linkedin.com/in/nicoleelmoreBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
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