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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

What is Online Reputation Management?

When we want to learn more about another person, the first place we turn is the Internet and Google is the top search engine to do so. Every day, over one billion names are searched on Google and 77% of job recruiters arerequired to Google potential employees during the hiring process. While you may not have Googled yourself, it's certain that someone else has - and they are making judgments about you based on what they find. 45% of people have found something in a Google search that made them decide NOT to do business with someone.

Ultimately, it's your responsibility to ensure you make a good impression when someone Googles you and this guide is here to help. We'll take you through the steps involved in assessing your current online reputation and what you can do to manage it.

The definition of content marketing

There are many definitions regarding content marketing. However, these definitions and the term content marketing as such have become meaningless, even if we will hear it for many years to come, until it has reached the ‘plateau of productivity’ and the term might eventually disappear as content marketing becomes mainstream.

The practices and principles of ‘good’ content marketing are here to stay, regardless of the definitions and even as content marketing – rightfully and obviously – continues to already be part of good, integrated and customer-centric marketing. In the interview on the right at our Content Marketing Conference 2014 Doug Kessler elaborates on what content marketing is and how to be successfull at it.

Instead of “selling” the concept of content marketing and debating about what it exactly means and includes, it’s best to have a no-nonsense approach, looking at the broader context of the use of valuable content in a systematic, relevant, engaging and continuous way. Content marketing in business and customer context, focused on offering value through great customer experiences, brand experiences, etc. Content that actually helps, makes a brand statement and leads to tangible results across the customer life cycle.
More about the definition of content marketing

5 Mobile Trends Brands Need to Watch

Jonathan Gardner is director of communications at Vibrant Media. He has spent his career at the nexus of media and technology, having worked in communications around the world. Follow him@thejongardner
If you let your imagination run wild, innovations such as Google’s Project Glass suggest there will come a time when we’ll no longer converse with each other, but instead exchange data like a bunch of GPS-enabled cyborgs.
While that may not be quite how it plays out, a highly-connected future is definitely on its way. Already, data shows that more than one third of American teens own an iPhone and the one-tablet-per-child initiative is a mainstay in South Korean and Thai schools. It’s easy to see whatlife will look like for the next generation of consumers, but will marketers be prepared? That will largely depend on whether they've considered these five post-mobile trends. 

1. Augmented Reality

Look in the mirror and what do you see? Today’s weather? Your day’s appointments? Then you must have the latest mirror from Cybertecture, a Hong Kong firm that’s making tomorrow’s smart homes a reality today. We may not all have money to burn on a high-tech mirror, but brands are certainly looking at ways to capitalize on this technology and make it the norm.
For example, the wizards at Corning provided an inspiring look at how touch screens made of glass might soon be seamlessly integrated into our environments. Brands such as Starbucksare already seeing strong revenue from their mobile AR program.

2. The New Biotech

When I say biotech, I mean data comes from everywhere, including from within. Companies like FitBit and Nike are finding new ways to record and utilize that data. For now, they seem to be focused on helping athletes (and wannabes) build better workouts, but it’s only a matter of time before brands begin to look more closely at how such data might be used to develop new customer relationships.
Nike has already opened its FuelBand API to allow music platforms to experiment with incorporating personal physical data. As these technologies gain traction and developers look at new ways to leverage information, one day soon we could see insurance companies providing discounts to individuals who share their device data. This would be the equivalent of auto insurers, such as Progressive, offering savings to drivers who share their driving behavior.

3. Consumer-Controlled Media

One of the most interesting trends we’ve seen is the fragmentation of ownership. Technology has empowered the masses, and they’re leveraging that power in new ways. If brands want to remain relevant to their audiences, they’re going to have to engage in these contexts and in a media landscape where the traditional publishing model no longer exists. In this not-too-distant future we will watch all of our programming online in whatever form that takes. And we will engage with media that we create (not what the media “owners” create) or remix, re-purpose, and pass along.

Why SMS Marketing Still Makes Sense for Small Business

The International Business Series is brought to you by UPS. Discover the new logistics. It levels playing fields and lets you act locally or globally. It's for the individual entrepreneur, the small business, or the large company. Put the new logistics to work for you.

Mobile texting paradoxically sounds like "old news" as far as new technologies are concerned. After all, we were able to send each other texts before our mobile phones even had color screens. While the Western world has focused on smartphones and flashy apps that let you pull up RSS feeds, find information, or fling exploding birds at structures, SMS marketing is still a hugely important part of our mobile lives.

Consider that while smartphone adoption has been slower than anticipated, nearly every mobile phone user in the U.S. is capable of sending and receiving text messages. Additionally, SMS has become increasingly important in developing countries where the penetration of feature phones far outnumber smartphones.

Companies or small business that can nail down their SMS marketing strategy, especially when the space is still ripe for innovation, can open up a number of opportunities. We spoke with four mobile experts for some tips, advice and insights on how to include SMS in a global business strategy.
Small Businesses Can Reach a Broader Consumer Base

There's a huge population of consumers in the U.S. who do not own smartphones, notes Tom Cotney, CEO of mobile marketing firm Air2Web. "And if you're going to provide some kind of customer service capability on mobile phones, you really need to reach as much of the population as possible." That isn't to say that mobile apps are useless, but having a way for text to complement or introduce those services can help you reach a larger base of people. This is especially true in developing countries where the percentage of smartphone users is even smaller.

Even though it may seem like global mobile marketing is just the purview of large, international companies, small businesses can also jump in. "We are a small business with no outside funding," said John Pelphrey, CEO of One-Txt, an SMS broadcast service. "The trick is to find the right niche, something that you're knowledgeable about and have some connections in and work it from there." Pelphrey saw opportunities on continents like South America and Africa where cell phone access is more common than landlines or even open Internet access. "Their first access to the outside world is their cell phone," Pelphrey added.
The Mobile Phone is an Intimate Technology

It's one thing to say there are opportunities in global mobile texting. It is another thing to come up with a plan and put it into action. For Pelphrey, a successful strategy is about intimacy and immediacy: "To have the right information for the right person and at the right time."

Most expert advice focuses on capitalizing on the intimacy of a cell phone. "The mobile phone is the most personal form of technology there is, barring hearing aids and other medical technologies," Cotney said. Rather than sending out a text blast, treat your messages like a conversation with the customer while offering them value: "You really need to offer consumers a foundational benefit as the primary reason for having a mobile relationship with you."
Of course, mobile texting isn't all just sunshine and rainbows. There are some key limitations to consider before jumping in. First, SMS is necessarily limited by its character limit. In the U.S., text messages are limited to 160 characters — which is fine if you're checking in with friends but more difficult when you're trying to connect with or sell to consumers. That limit further varies by country. While Asian countries are closer to 70 characters, their individual characters usually have more meaning than Western letters.
There's also the problem of getting your message to its destination. "There's no single international body that goes and hands out short codes," said Andrew Kenney, Chief Operating Officer at ONEsite. "You have to get one for a specific region. Carriers won't deal with the particular brands." After that middleman, it's important to think of how your audience receives your messages. Not everyone has premium messaging or unlimited texts, Kenney warned. Texts can be expensive for your consumers, so make sure there's value to make it worthwhile.

Ideally you could set up regional offices to best understand the communities you're contacting. If that's out of the budget, try to set up a contact already living in that community or do your research to make sure you know what times of day people are most social or what kind of information or language will be most effective. "Every country, every tribe, they're all going to be different," Pelphrey said. "You can't take the lessons you learned in South America and take it to Africa. Those cultures are so distinct even within a few miles of each other."
Is SMS Marketing Here to Stay?

One hesitation businesses have when it comes to SMS is determining if it is a dying breed of marketing, especially when faced with smartphones or the increasing emphasis on mobile apps. While SMS has greater reach, it also has less interactivity. "It's certainly possible to set your DVR using text, but it's not a great user experience," said Griswold.

Anyone worried about text disappearing as a marketing tool should consider that 2008 was the first year that text messages outnumbered cell phone calls. Cotney cited a study that showed users get mobile text alerts seven times more than they used to with feature phones. "Text is not just a technology, it's an actual type of interface," Cotney said. "Usually the older a technology, the less frequently it will be used, but text will be around for a long time."
Tips and Tricks

There are a lot of ways to approach SMS marketing, whether you're a big company or a small startup looking to branch abroad. There are basic tips like offering your consumers real value, emphasizing intimacy, and being conscientious of cultural norms and traditions. Part and parcel, Kenney advised that "people should go do their research and they should pick partners that they can trust to build long-term relationships."

Cotney emphasized reach, namely, how many people is your mobile strategy going to touch? While mobile apps may look nice, they can sometimes be a case of prioritizing new technology over a real strategy. "Have a strategy and incorporate how many people you're going to be able to reach when the product actually gets out there."

Still, it seems that the most pervasive advice was just to get started. "If businesses think they may want to do text, it's never too early to collect numbers for the opt-in lists. There are lots of ways to do it..." Paul said. "You don't have to have everything in place. By the time you do start, you'll have a head start."

The cell phone is really the first piece of technology that people started carrying with them all the time, Kenney said. We use it to find our friends or find information on a daily basis. That personal proximity and it's social capability allow us to have an intimate relationship with our phones and what they can do. SMS is an immediate way to capitalize on those qualities without having to worry about downloading an app or compatibility issues. SMS, if done properly, is an effective way to reach customers both domestically and globally.
Series supported by UPS
The International Business Series is brought to you by UPS. Discover the new logistics. It levels playing fields and lets you act locally or globally. It's for the individual entrepreneur, the small business, or the large company. Put the new logistics to work for you.
More Business Resources from Mashable:
- 5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience
- HOW TO: Build Your International Business Network Online
- 5 Tips for Developing a Global-Friendly Website
- HOW TO: Optimize Your Mobile Site Across Multiple Platforms
- 15 Mobile Translation Apps for the International Businessperson

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The Leads Engine develops using of of the best cloud computing environments available, Microsoft’s Azure cloud.

The Leads Engine’s business is deeply rooted in it’s core values: customer orientation, integrity, loyalty and having great fun in what we do

The Leads Engine’s business is deeply rooted in it’s core values: customer orientation, integrity, loyalty and having great fun in what we do

33 Lead Generation Techniques for Businesses

LOGO33 Lead GenerationTechniquesevery Business shouldstart using todayInsights fromBusiness Consultant & Marketing StrategistNicole Elmore© Content copyright 2013. Nicole Elmore, LLC. All rights reserved.
Promotional MarketingContentsInternet MarketingGeneric Lead GenerationAttractionMarketingDirect MarketingBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Sustainable BusinessA business without leads and clients might as wellnot exist. Product and service sales are the essenceof your business (at least if you are a for-profitbusiness) yet many businesses find it hard to thinkof ways to generate leads.Here are 33 lead generation techniques that youcan easily implement into your Marketing Strategyand start using today.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
1. Create a web form and place it onyour blog or website that will ask forvisitor’s e-Mail addresses and follow upwith an auto-responderLead Growth Potential2012 2013 2014 2015305070120Internet Marketing2. Target your niche with pay-per-clickadvertising3. Get a business listing on Google,Bing and YahooBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Internet Marketing4.5.6.Create your own affiliate program and have others promote yourproducts or services and generate leads for youHost a Facebook contest and ask for contact information for thosewho participateCreate a referral programBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Internet Marketing7. Post freeclassifiedsinforming peopleof your productsand servicesContent Marketing9. Get involvedin articlemarketing8. Have acompany blogthat youupdatefrequently withnew and usefulcontentBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Generic Lead GenerationSimply provide greatvalue through yourproducts andservices as well asexcellent customersupport and gainleads through word-of-mouth referralsGet listed indirectories related toyour industry andtarget market andget found whenpeople are searchingfor certain productsor servicesGet found online –Optimize your SEO(Search EngineOptimization)10.13. 14.Hire someone: Create a job searchlisting and receive hundreds ofleads in form of responses to yourjob listingPublish a press releaseannouncing the launch of yourbusiness or a new product line ora new service11.12.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
15. Be passionate and proud of yourbusiness and speak to people you meetthroughout the day without “advertising”your business. Through your enthusiasm,listeners can become interested leads16. Have social network accounts for yourbusiness and engage your followers withquestions and little quizzes[Image Source] www.wizdata.co.krGeneric Lead GenerationBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/ free consultation sessions in return for people’scontact informationAnswer questions in forums and be helpful to otherswhile including a link to your website (or your phonenumber) in your signature below each responseProvide insightful feedback to articles via commentson blog and include a link to your website in yoursignature at the end of each commentTeach a free course related to yourproduct or service that users will findusefulAttraction MarketingBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Attraction MarketingOffer free product reviewswith a link for people toprovide their e-Mail addressto receive new reviews andupdates via e-mailParticipate in contests relatedto your product or service,such as logo designcompetitions, and win21. 22.Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Direct Marketing23.Host an event orgrand opening andspeak to interestedpotential clientsdirectly24. Call your warmmarket and askthem if they areinterested in yourproduct or serviceand if so, addthem to yourleads25. Create apostcardmarketingcampaign andask forinterestedpeople to sendthe postcardback with theircontactinformation26. Participatein a tradeshowand ask forinterestedpeople to leavetheir businesscards in a boxfor a follow-upcall or e-MailBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Promotional Marketing27.28.29. Ask existing clients for referralsand offer them a discount for eachreferral on their next orderAttach a car magnet with yourwebsite info and business phonenumber along with a call to actionfor people to contact you todaySponsor an event or the funding ofa stadium for example and bepromoted by the sponsoredcompanyBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Promotional Marketing30. 31.33. 32.Ask for endorsementof satisfied clients whoown their ownbusinessesCross-promoteand partner upwith other businessesto promote yourbusiness and generateleads for youBuy banner space andinclude your website infoand business phonenumber along with a call toaction for people to contactyou todayGive away freepromotional pens, key chains,cups, and other products thathave your contact informationprinted on themBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
What’s Next?Step 1Step 2Step 3• Try various lead generationtechniques on a small basis• Track your results• Select the top 5 bestconverting techniques andimplement them on a largerscaleBusiness Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/
Like this Presentation?Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist - Nicole Elmore http://nicoleelmore.com/DO YOU KNOW SOME MORELEAD GENERATION TECHNIQUES?SHARE THEM IN THE COMMENTSBELOWShare It
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Display Advertising

Be Seen: Display Ads Are More Effective Than Ever

They have been around since the 90s, but their results may still surprise you.

Display ads are like the crocodiles of the internet. They may resemble dinosaurs that have long since seen extinction, but this animal’s crushing 3 thousand-pound bite is as real as ever. Display advertising, also known as banner ads, can deliver the same crushing blow to your competition – when the right formula is applied. Our technique blends proven targeting methods with skilled creative and a pinch of our signature strategy and tactics, and we promise, the results will ASTOUND you!

Start Using Display Ads!Contact us today to learn how our display advertising services will generate more qualified leads for your business.

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Describe Your Project In A Few Sentences

App-First Analytics with Firebase Analytics

While Firebase Analytics is separate from Google Analytics for mobile apps, both solutions were built by the same team to ensure Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, the Google Analytics 360 Suite, and Firebase Analytics work together seamlessly. Below, we’ve cross-posted a deep dive into Firebase Analytics from the Firebase blog so you can learn more about the exciting app analytics capabilities available in Firebase. If you’d like to understand more about how Google Analytics products work with Firebase Analytics, check out our Analytics 360 and Google Analytics overviews.

Cross-posted from the Firebase blog by Russell Ketchum, Group Product Manager:
Welcome, current and new Firebase developers! There's a lot to discover with the Firebase platform -- more than we could possibly explain in a single blog post. So over the next several weeks, we'll be sharing posts focusing on each of the individual features of Firebase. For our first post, we wanted to let you know about Firebase Analytics -- the free and unlimited analytics solution for mobile developers.

Analytics are at the heart of successful apps, so when we expanded Firebase to help mobile developers build better apps and grow successful businesses, we thought it was important to build an analytics solution that serves the needs of all app developers, from two-person startups to large, established companies.

Meet Firebase Analytics, a free and unlimited analytics tool built from the ground up for mobile apps. Firebase Analytics is at the core of the Firebase platform, providing the insights you need to build successful apps.

All your app analytics in one place.
Firebase Analytics helps you understand what your users are doing in your app. It has all of the metrics that you’d expect in an app analytics tool (average revenue per user (ARPU), active users, retention reports, event counts, etc.) combined with user properties like device type, app version, and OS version to give you insight into how users interact with your app.

Collecting all of this data is simple and works right out of the box. When you add Firebase to your app, key events are measured automatically – including first opens (think of these like installs), in-app purchases, and more. With up to 500 distinct event types (each with up to 25 key-value pair parameters), you can measure additional suggested and custom events that are unique to your app with just a few lines of code.

Some events are more important to you than others, so with conversion tracking you can define the most important events that happen in your app (like purchasing an item, or sharing your app with others) and create funnels just for these events to discover where users drop out of the process.

But Firebase Analytics helps you analyze more than just user behavior. It also provides a rich set of data that helps describe your users – data like geographic information, demographics, and interests that can help you better tune your app and refine your marketing activities.

While standard demographic data is helpful, it’s also important to understand user properties specific to your app. Firebase Analytics lets you define custom user properties for all of your users. For example, your fitness app can record a user's favorite exercise or your music app can record your user's favorite genre. Firebase Analytics is also integrated with BigQuery, Google’s fully-managed data warehouse, so you can export your raw Firebase data and join it with custom data for additional analysis.

Smarter, more effective app marketing.
Understanding user behavior is just one important part of Firebase Analytics -- you also need to understand how your advertising and marketing activities influence those behaviors. Firebase Analytics can automatically link user behaviors within your app to a traffic source so you know where your valuable users are coming from. It works with Google AdWords and more than 20 other major ad networks without having to install any additional SDKs, making it easy to understand the ROI of your marketing and advertising spend. You can also import Firebase Analytics conversion events directly into Google AdWords, so you can bid on specific user events that happen in your app with just a few clicks.

Firebase Analytics makes all of Firebase better.
Firebase Analytics is designed to make your analytics data actionable. You can use the Audiences feature to create a segment of users based on their event data and user properties. For example, an audience of people who have added items to their cart but haven't made a purchase. Or, an audience of classical music fans who have listened to more than 200 songs.

You can then use these audiences in conjunction with other Firebase features, like Remote Config, which allows you to change the look-and-feel of your app just for a specific audience. Want to create a customized home screen for users who have subscribed to your newsletter or have reached a certain level in your fitness app? You can do that directly from the Firebase console using Remote Config and Audiences in Firebase Analytics.

Firebase Analytics Audiences also works with Notifications, allowing you to send in-app notifications to any audience that you've defined. So, if you've just added a new set of armor to your game's in-app storefront, you can notify only the users who have purchased in-game items in the past. In addition, when your Firebase account is linked to AdWords, you can use audiences to re-engage lapsed users with ad campaigns. To learn more about the app analytics capabilities in Firebase Analytics, check out our video:

Ways to Boost Results Using Google AdWords

Many pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers start out with good intentions, but limited experience. As a result, they run into common mistakes that can hurt a campaign’s profitability. If your initial campaigns have produced lackluster results, read through the following mistakes and their solutions to improve your PPC ROI:
1. Targeting keywords that are too broad

Here’s a newsflash: if you’re a new advertiser, you’re probably never going to be able to bid your way to the top spot for broad keywords such as “women’s shoes.” Even if you do, you’re going to be paying so much for the privilege that, unless you’re Zappos, it’s unlikely your revenue generated will justify your costs.

Instead, start your AdWords campaigns with groups of five to 10 long-tail keywords -- preferably those you’ve identified as good candidates from the data found in your Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools accounts. Expand your campaigns to broader keywords only as you’re able to prove a positive ROI with these entry-level queries.
2. Putting too many keywords in an ad group

In an ideal world, you’d create a unique landing page and PPC ad for every keyword you target, so that your user’s experience is as laser-targeted as possible. But since nobody has this much time, stick to ad groups of just five to 10 keywords to start, as mentioned above. Doing so will prevent you from forcing too many unrelated words and phrases to use the same ads and landing pages.
3. Running ads on the “search network with display select” campaign type

Google tries to push this combination campaign type, but the reality is that AdWord’s search and display formats require different advertising approaches. Stick to search, display or both, but be sure the ads you create follow industry-accepted best practices for each individual campaign style.
4. Sending traffic directly to your homepage

Every visitor you secure via PPC ads should wind up on a landing page that’s designed to be as appealing and engaging as possible to his or her interests. If, instead, you simply drop visitors onto your homepage, you’re making them work to find the information they want, leading to higher bounce rates, missed conversion opportunities and unnecessary ad expenses.

Yes, it’s a little more work to craft custom landing pages for your PPC campaigns, but the results are worth the effort. Tools such as Unbounce and LeadPages make the process a snap.

Related: It's Easy to Spy on Your Competitors Conveniently and for Free
5. Not including negative keywords

Suppose you run a website selling designer women’s shoes. Depending on the match type you use, your AdWords campaign for “women’s shoes” could appear for phrases ranging from “designer women’s shoes” to “cheap women’s shoes.”

Since every click costs you money -- and since visitors searching for the query “cheap women’s shoes” aren’t likely to turn into buyers for you -- adding the negative keyword “-cheap” to your campaign will keep these tire kickers away.
6. Not rotating ad variation displays evenly

If you create more than one ad variation (which you should, for split testing purposes), Google’s default is to serve up the ad it believes will perform better more frequently. While this might help your overall campaign ROI, it won’t give you a fair split test since the frequency of your ad variation displays isn’t even.

To prevent this from occurring, head to the “Settings” section of your AdWords account, then click on “Advanced Settings.” There, you’ll find four ad rotation options: “Optimize for clicks,” “Optimize for Conversions,” “Rotate Evenly” and “Rotate Indefinitely.” Select the “Rotate Indefinitely” option to keep your data clean.
7. Not measuring ROI

If you’re running AdWords campaigns without any mechanism to determine which of your paid clicks are converting into customers, you’re almost certainly wasting money on poor quality traffic. Tracking the conversions that enter your sales funnel from an AdWords click and go on to become paying customers will show you how to focus your ad spend in the future, which campaigns should be ramped up and which ad groups or keywords should be dropped entirely.

Tracking conversions on your site requires you to first define your sales funnel and then either install an AdWords tracking pixel or set up Google Analytics goals on your site. It’s a little more complicated than simply running a campaign without conversion tracking, but taking these steps is the only real way to know if your campaigns are paying off with a positive ROI.

What other AdWords mistakes has your company made? Share your experiences by leaving a comment below!

Related: Inside the Buying Funnel: Use Money-Making Keywords to Bring Your Google Ad to the Next Level

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of improving the organic ranking of a website with leading search engines. Professional SEO firms like Submit Express help to improve search engine rankings for their clients by modifying their websites to better reflect what search engines are looking for. Read a more detailed explanation of SEO here.
Overview of SEO Services

Submit Express can increase the search engine rank and site traffic of any company. The expertise offered by its technical and copywriting staff enables Submit Express to successfully meet the needs of companies with complex websites in competitive industries.

Submit Express caters to clients who require an intensive, full-service approach to search engine marketing. As experts in the search engine optimization and marketing industries, the management and employees of Submit Express have a proven track record for crafting effective Internet marketing strategies with measurable, long-term results. Pierre Zarokian, President and CEO of Submit Express, is considered an expert in the world of SEM/SEO. He has been quoted extensively in SEM-related articles in the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Forbes.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Black Widow vs Praying Mantis: Spiders infest my house

Mom Rabbit vs Snake save her baby

Twitter's origins lie in a "daylong brainstorming session" held by board members of the podcasting company Odeo. Jack Dorsey, then an undergraduate student at New York University, introduced the idea of an individual using an SMS service to communicate with a small group.[18][19] The original project code name for the service was twttr, an idea that Williams later ascribed to Noah Glass,[20] inspired by Flickr and the five-character length of American SMS short codes. The decision was also partly due to the fact that domain twitter.com was already in use, and it was six months after the launch of twttr that the crew purchased the domain and changed the name of the service to Twitter.[21] The developers initially considered "10958" as a short code, but later changed it to "40404" for "ease of use and memorability".[22] Work on the project started on March 21, 2006, when Dorsey published the first Twitter message at 9:50 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST): "just setting up my twttr".[1] Dorsey has explained the origin of the "Twitter" title:

...we came across the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was 'a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'. And that's exactly what the product was.[23]

The first Twitter prototype, developed by Dorsey and contractor Florian Weber, was used as an internal service for Odeo employees[24] and the full version was introduced publicly on July 15, 2006.[9] In October 2006, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, Dorsey, and other members of Odeo formed Obvious Corporation and acquired Odeo, together with its assets—including Odeo.com and Twitter.com—from the investors and shareholders.[25] Williams fired Glass, who was silent about his part in Twitter's startup until 2011.[26] Twitter spun off into its own company in April 2007.[27]Williams provided insight into the ambiguity that defined this early period in a 2013 interview:

With Twitter, it wasn't clear what it was. They called it a social network, they called it microblogging, but it was hard to define, because it didn't replace anything. There was this path of discovery with something like that, where over time you figure out what it is. Twitter actually changed from what we thought it was in the beginning, which we described as status updates and a social utility. It is that, in part, but the insight we eventually came to was Twitter was really more of an information network than it is a social network.[28]

The tipping point for Twitter's popularity was the 2007 South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) conference. During the event, Twitter usage increased from 20,000 tweets per day to 60,000.[29] "The Twitter people cleverly placed two 60-inch plasma screens in the conference hallways, exclusively streaming Twitter messages," remarked Newsweek's Steven Levy. "Hundreds of conference-goers kept tabs on each other via constant twitters. Panelists and speakers mentioned the service, and the bloggers in attendance touted it."[30]

Reaction at the conference was highly positive. Blogger Scott Beale said that Twitter was "absolutely ruling" SXSWi. Social software researcher danah boyd said Twitter was "owning" the conference.[31] Twitter staff received the festival's Web Award prize with the remark "we'd like to thank you in 140 characters or less. And we just did!"[32] The first unassisted off-Earth Twitter message was posted from the International Space Station by NASA astronaut T. J. Creamer on January 22, 2010.[33] By late November 2010, an average of a dozen updates per day were posted on the astronauts' communal account, @NASA_Astronauts. NASA has also hosted over 25 "tweetups", events that provide guests with VIP access to NASA facilities and speakers with the goal of leveraging participants' social networks to further the outreach goals of NASA. In August 2010, the company appointed Adam Bain from News Corp.'s Fox Audience Network as president of revenue.[34]

The company experienced rapid initial growth. It had 400,000 tweets posted per quarter in 2007. This grew to 100 million tweets posted per quarter in 2008. In February 2010, Twitter users were sending 50 million tweets per day.[35] By March 2010, the company recorded over 70,000 registered applications.[36] As of June 2010, about 65 million tweets were posted each day, equaling about 750 tweets sent each second, according to Twitter.[37] As of March 2011, that was about 140 million tweets posted daily.[38] As noted on Compete.com, Twitter moved up to the third-highest-ranking social networking site in January 2009 from its previous rank of twenty-second.[39]

Jack Dorsey, a co-founder and the chairman of Twitter, in 2009.

Twitter's usage spikes during prominent events. For example, a record was set during the 2010 FIFA World Cup when fans wrote 2,940 tweets per second in the thirty-second period after Japan scored against Cameroon on June 14. The record was broken again when 3,085 tweets per second were posted after the Los Angeles Lakers' victory in the 2010 NBA Finalson June 17,[40] and then again at the close of Japan's victory over Denmark in the World Cup when users published 3,283 tweets per second.[41] The record was set again during the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup Final between Japan and the United States, when 7,196 tweets per second were published.[42] When American singer Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, Twitter servers crashed after users were updating their status to include the words "Michael Jackson" at a rate of 100,000 tweets per hour.[43] The current record as of August 3, 2013 was set in Japan, with 143,199 tweets per second during a television screening of the movie Castle in the Sky[44] (beating the previous record of 33,388, also set by Japan for the television screening of the same movie).[45]

Twitter acquired application developer Atebits on April 11, 2010. Atebits had developed the Apple Design Award-winning Twitter client Tweetie for the Mac andiPhone. The application, now called "Twitter" and distributed free of charge, is the official Twitter client for the iPhone, iPad and Mac.[46]

From September through October 2010, the company began rolling out "New Twitter", an entirely revamped edition of twitter.com. Changes included the ability to see pictures and videos without leaving Twitter itself by clicking on individual tweets which contain links to images and clips from a variety of supported websites including YouTube and Flickr, and a complete overhaul of the interface, which shifted links such as '@mentions' and 'Retweets' above the Twitter stream, while 'Messages' and 'Log Out' became accessible via a black bar at the very top of twitter.com. As of November 1, 2010, the company confirmed that the "New Twitter experience" had been rolled out to all users.

On April 5, 2011, Twitter tested a new homepage and phased out the "Old Twitter".[47] However, a glitch came about after the page was launched, so the previous "retro" homepage was still in use until the issues were resolved; the new homepage was reintroduced on April 20.[48][49] On December 8, 2011, Twitter overhauled its website once more to feature the "Fly" design, which the service says is easier for new users to follow and promotes advertising. In addition to the Home tab, theConnect and Discover tabs were introduced along with a redesigned profile and timeline of Tweets. The site's layout has been compared to that of Facebook.[50][51]On February 21, 2012, it was announced that Twitter and Yandex agreed to a partnership. Yandex, a Russian search engine, finds value within the partnership due to Twitter's real time news feeds. Twitter's director of business development explained that it is important to have Twitter content where Twitter users go.[52] On March 21, 2012, Twitter celebrated its sixth birthday while also announcing that it has 140 million users and sees 340 million tweets per day. The number of users is up 40% from their September 2011 number, which was said to have been at 100 million at the time.[53]

In April 2012, Twitter announced that it was opening an office in Detroit, with the aim of working with automotive brands and advertising agencies.[54] Twitter also expanded its office in Dublin.[55] On June 5, 2012, a modified logo was unveiled through the company blog, removing the text to showcase the slightly redesigned bird as the sole symbol of Twitter.[56] On October 5, 2012, Twitter acquired a video clip company called Vine that launched in January 2013.[57][58] Twitter released Vine as a standalone app that allows users to create and share six-second looping video clips on January 24, 2013. Vine videos shared on Twitter are visible directly in users' Twitter feeds.[59] Due to an influx of inappropriate content, it is now rated 17+ in Apple's app store.[60] On December 18, 2012, Twitter announced it had surpassed 200 million monthly active users. Twitter hit 100 million monthly active users in September 2011.[61]

On April 18, 2013, Twitter launched a music app called Twitter Music for the iPhone.[62] On August 28, 2013, Twitter acquired Trendrr,[63] followed by the acquisition of MoPub on September 9, 2013.[64] As of September 2013, the company's data showed that 200 million users send over 400 million tweets daily, with nearly 60% of tweets sent from mobile devices.[65] On June 4, 2014, Twitter announced that it will acquire Namo Media, a technology firm specializing in "native advertising" for mobile devices.[66] On June 19, 2014, Twitter announced that it has reached an undisclosed deal to buy SnappyTV, a service that helps edit and share video from television broadcasts.[67][68] The company was helping broadcasters and rights holders to share video content both organically across social and via Twitter's Amplify program.[69] In July 2014, Twitter announced that it intends to buy a young company called CardSpring for an undisclosed sum. CardSpring enables retailers to offer online shoppers coupons that they can automatically sync to their credit cards in order to receive discounts when they shop in physical stores.[70] On July 31, 2014, Twitter announced that it has acquired a small password-security startup called Mitro.[71] On October 29, 2014, Twitter announced a new partnership withIBM. The partnership is intended to help businesses use Twitter data to understand their customers, businesses and other trends.[72]

Assam tribion

Police seizing boats operated illegally by fishermen at Charan Beel in Morigaon, on Saturday. – UB Photos

CM directs steps for NRC update in time
DIBRUGARH, May 29 - Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal today called upon the officials concerned to make all-out efforts to complete the process of updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC) within the stipulated time frame. He also called upon ...

Cong vote share has increased: APCC
GUWAHATI, May 29 - The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) today refuted the assertions that it has been rejected by the people of the State as a misleading propaganda. In fact, in an interim analysis of the party’s performance in the latest Asse ...

Miscreants pelt stones at train carrying CM
GUWAHATI, May 29 - Sarbananda Sonowal’s maiden train journey as Chief Minister from Guwahati to Dibrugarh proved to be an eventful one. A group of miscreants pelted stones at the Rajdhani Express, in which he was travelling late last evening near Cha ...

Militants bid to induct new cadres in State
GUWAHATI, May 29 - Though the level of violence involving militants in Assam came down drastically in the face of relentless counterinsurgency operations, the security and intelligence agencies recently came across disturbing inputs on the attempts b ...

5 donors yet to be traced by probe panel
GUWAHATI, May 29 - Of the seven donors from whom blood was transfused into the child who eventually got infected by HIV virus, versions of only two of them could be recorded so far by the probe panel. ...

State Govt urged to take up rail passengers’ issues with Centre
GUWAHATI, May 29 - Extending its greetings to the newly elected BJP-led alliance government in Dispur, the Assam Rail Passengers’ Association (ARPA) has called upon the State government to take a proactive role with regard to various issues relating ...

Abaut assam tea.

Assam tea is a black tea named after the region of its production, Assam, in India. Assam tea is manufactured specifically from the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica (Masters).[1][2] This tea, most of which is grown at or near sea level, is known for its body, briskness, malty flavour, and strong, bright colour. Assam teas, or blends containing Assam, are often sold as "breakfast" teas. For instance, Irish breakfast tea, a maltier and stronger breakfast tea, consists of small-sized Assam tea leaves.[3]
The state of Assam is the world's largest tea-growing region, lying on either side of the Brahmaputra River, and borderingBangladesh and Burma (Myanmar). This part of India experiences high precipitation; during the monsoon period, as much as 10 to 12 inches (250–300 mm) of rain per day. The daytime temperature rises to about 96.8F (36 °C), creating greenhouse-like conditions of extreme humidity and heat. This tropical climate contributes to Assam's unique malty taste, a feature for which this tea is well known.
Though Assam generally denotes the distinctive black teas from Assam, the region produces smaller quantities of green[4]and white teas as well with their own distinctive characteristics.[5][not in citation given]
Historically, Assam has been the second commercial tea production region after southern China. Southern China and Assam are the only two regions in the world with native tea plants.

what is whatsapp?

WhatsApp is especially popular with end users who do not have unlimited text messaging. In addition to basic messaging, WhatsApp provides group chat and location sharing options. 

Technically speaking, WhatsApp uses a customized version of the open standardExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol(XMPP). WhatsApp Inc. was founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, both veterans of Yahoo!

What is a Network?

A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
Two very common types of networks include:

Why Internet Marketing is Important?

The Internet has the power to connect millions of people from around the world. Thus, it also has the capabilities to bring your business to millions of your target market worldwide. What makes this process a best inclusion to your promotional effort is the fact that you don’t need to shell out plenty of money.
In ad
dition, the effectiveness of your campaign can be easily measured using web analytics and cost-volume-profit analysis tools. However, it requires you to learn the many facets of Internet marketing so that you’ll know whether your efforts are giving the return on investment that you want for your business.

what is social media?

Social Media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well.
Platforms like twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin have created online communities where people can share as much or as little personal information as they desire with other members. The result is an enormous amount of information that can be easily shared, searched, promoted, disputed, and created.
Social Bookmarking tools and news sites such as Digg, Delicious, reddit, and countless others make finding specific information, images, or websites increasingly simple by assigning or “tagging” individual sites with searchable key words.
Applications that have developed within and around these platforms, websites, and tools are endless in number and functionality, but all make online sharing and searching easier in some fashion, regardless of their niche. As nearly every type of business has an association in the non-digital world, so too does the internet offer an endless number of niche social communities where members can gather around a common topic. Topics both general and specific now have living homes on the internet; anything from colon and digestive health to security and compliance can and do have active social media communities.

The key question now being addressed by an ever growing number of social media “experts” is how to best utilize the unlimited amount of information available from social media sites for business advertising, social good, and who knows what else. One thing is for certain; personal data from social media usage will continue to be tracked and logged for the benefit of any business willing to pay for it, and any company that doesn’t invest in social media now will be playing catch-up in the near future.

the smoll animal...........

my poor village

what is html ?

HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the basics being accessible to most people in one sitting; and quite powerful in what it allows you to create. It is constantly undergoing revision and evolution to meet the demands and requirements of the growing Internet audience under the direction of the » W3C, the organisation charged with designing and maintaining the language. The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. HyperText is the method by which you move around on the web — by clicking on special text called hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The fact that it is hyper just means it is not linear — i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet whenever you want by clicking on links — there is no set order to do things in. Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside them. They mark it as a certain type of text (italicised text, for example). HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other language. How does it work? HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file by the site author — these are the tags. The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed through a browser, like Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. This browser reads t
he file and translates the text into a visible form, hopefully rendering the page as the author had intended. Writing your own HTML entails using tags correctly to create your vision. You can use anything from a rudimentary text-editor to a powerful graphical editor to create HTML pages. What are the tags up to? The tags are what separate normal text from HTML code. You might know them as the words between the . They allow all the cool stuff like images and tables and stuff, just by telling your browser what to render on the page. Different tags will perform different functions. The tags themselves don’t appear when you view your page through a browser, but their effects do. The simplest tags do nothing more than apply formatting to some text, like this: These words will be bold, and these will not. In the example above, the tags were wrapped around some text, and their effect will be that the contained text will be bolded when viewed through an ordinary web browser. If you want to see a list of a load of tags to see what’s ahead of you, look at this tag reference. Learning the tags themselves is dealt with in the next section of this website, My First Site. Is this going to take long? Well, it depends on what you want from it. Knowing HTML will take only a few days of reading and learning the codes for what you want. You can have the basics down in an hour. Once you know the tags you can create HTML pages. However, using HTML and designing good websites is a different story, which is why I try to do more than just teach you code here at HTML Source — I like to add in as much advice as possible too. Good website design is half skill and half talent, I reckon. Learning techniques and correct use of your tag knowledge will improve your work immensely, and a good understanding of general design and the audience you’re trying to reach will improve your website’s chances of success. Luckily, these things can be researched and understood, as long as you’re willing to work at it so you can output better websites. The range of skills you will learn as a result of running your own website is impressive. You’ll learn about aspects of graphic design, typography and computer programming. Your efficiency with computers in general increases.You’ll also learn about promotion and your writing will probably improve too, as you adapt to write for certain audiences. Do I have to be online all the time? Not at all. You can code your entire website offline, storing it all on your own computer, and then just transfer all the files onto the web. Then whenever you have new content, you just add that to the existing online version of your site. It’s really quite simple. Is there anything HTML can’t do? Of course, but since making websites became more popular and needs increased many other supporting languages have been created to allow new stuff to happen, plus HTML is modified every few years to make way for improvements. Cascading Stylesheets are used to control how your pages are presented, and make pages more accessible. Basic special effects and interaction is provided by JavaScript, which adds a lot of power to basic HTML. Most of this advanced stuff is for later down the road, but when using all of these technologies together, you have a lot of power at your disposal. Why not get a quick view of times gone by with The History of HTML? If you think you’re ready to start coding, head over to the My First Site section and begin creating! KEEP LEARNING // The History of HTML → Go! Go! OTHER START HERE ARTICLES // What is HTML? · The History of HTML · Webmaster Glossary · What do I need? · Software Review · Browser Review · Internet File Formats · The History of the Net · Spyware · Passwords · Netiquette · Chat Acronyms · More Useful Programs WHAT’S RELATED // My First Page · HTML Tag Reference Homepage · Full Index · Section Index Starting Off Start Here · My First Site · Lessons Text · Images · Tables · Frames · Forms · Stylesheets · Advanced Accessibility · Promotion · Optimisation · Site Management · Scripting JavaScript · CGI Scripting · Reviews Web Hosting · Books · Recommendations · HTML Source Toolbox ¤ Love us? Press Ctrl+D to add HTML Source to your bookmarks! Printable pages Just print pages normally, our stylesheet will automatically reformat the page for you.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

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কিছু পগলা ড্রাইবারের কান্ড দেখুন - না দেখলে পুরাই মিস

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a Cobra Assassina

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Albino Super Motley Titanium DEFINITELY WORTH THE WAIT!

Monday, 23 May 2016

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Real Life Mermaids Caught On Camera - MUST SEE!

Can a Snake Cure Fear?


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jayar belai dakha holo katha holo na.bangla koutuk

Rajeev Masand interview with Katrina Kaif & Aditya Roy Kapur

GPS "A Tour of the World" U.S., Iran,India ,China,... # 2/2 !

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Salman Khan & Anushka Eating RAW Tomatoes During SULTAN Shoot LEAKED

Aamir Khan in Aap Ki Adalat 2016 (Full Episode)

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Yuvraj Singh 6 sixes in six balls against england in t20 world cup full ...

kalgachia bike stayling man and its very nice video.sow the the video and injoy your life

kalgachia bike stayling man and its very nice video.sow the the video and injoy your life

peacock is very Beautyful bird .and has a tail .her tail is very big and nice.and the peacock flaying style  is nice.

Today hot news

All of the farmer are very sad becouse ground pady are not good.so the farmer need halpe  to Assam minister.

internet firsr opera mini

opera mini


Today i am doing the internet marketing .

Saturday, 21 May 2016


Friday, 13 May 2016


kalgachia is my home towen.i reading nobajoty collage kalgachia .now i am doing computer class &Scince and internet marketing.